Friday 27 March 2015

Citizen of Knott

"Who are you?"


"Well then what sort of nobody are you?"

The Politics Problem

So after a long time of quiet and dissertation-ing I bring to you a promotion of my own choice. Why? Everything in my life inspires my art one way or another and a big part that dictates everyone's life is politics so here we go... 

This blog is written by a person of my own age and comments on the current political climate in such a way that I cannot help my response to its eyeopening and blunt insight. It is honest and analytical not only of policy but also of the behaviour of those swapping barbs to rule The United Kingdom. 

As someone who cares about society but has never really done more than dip my little toe into the world of politics I consider this blog a down-to-earth commentary that quite honestly helps me understand the current situation of the country better.